Sunday, March 15, 2009

Juggle with data

Monday is here meaning another week is coming and meaning another hours had flies and gone. Here I am asking myself where I am in my journey? I just got back from my meeting with John and while walking on my way back to my office, I was asking myself, how to go about doing my analysis? I will probably followed John's advice, took a big paper and started doing my mind mapping to see the whole overview of my first case analysis, phewww....I forsee that I'll be 'drowning' with my data after this, I have so many "things" in my mind but I have problem to put them together and organised them. I also knew that deep in my heart I could not ran away from reading and understanding the western feminism, the economic changes, the modernation revolutions andddd more about Malay culture and Islamic values, waaaa.....this is PhD, the more you know, the more you don't know, do you agree friends? Ya Allah, please give me the strength and perseverence in my journey, amin.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum. Dear jam,it has been quite a long time that I have not heard from you. Thanks for a beautiful card. Just to let you know that I have been promoted recently. However, God have challange me with "diabetes" and "liver problem". Am controlling my self though. Well I hope that you will be strong and healthy to finish your PHD and I believe that you can make it. Single doesnt mean "useless" or "loneliness". Being single is to be STRONGER ..

    Love BB
